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Roe vs Wade

Some of the concerns about the end of the once federally-protected right to abortion were immediate. Heres the headline that we w…


テレ東音楽祭2022春の見どころは テレ東音楽祭2022春は4時間を超える大型音楽番組特番ですね 10回目となるテレ東音楽祭の今回のテーマは思わず歌いたくなる最強ヒットソング100連発として今年だけのスペシャルプログラムでどこよりも早い春を日本中にお届け. …


Afghanistan is becoming the worlds largest humanitarian crisis with needs surpassing those in Ethiopia South Sudan Syria and Yeme…


My Latest Modern Version Of The Jaws Movie Poster This Time Imagining If Its Debut Was Today Jaws Movie Movie Poste…

Train strike

The biggest railway strike in years moved a step closer after staff working for 15 train operators voted to take industrial actio…